2025 Season Sponsors & In-Kind Donors

Are you considering sponsoring our team? We’d love your support! We accept in-kind donations such as items for gift baskets for drawings, new toys for our #FIRSTwithAT initiative, and even parts for our robot. We also accept cash and check donations. If you’re interested in a 501c3 donation, our team is part of the University of Florida, and can run your donation through the UF Foundation and you can receive a letter to provide to your tax preparer. Questions? Contact us at frcriptide4118@pky.ufl.edu

Tidal Wave Sponsors

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P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School’s mission is to design, test, and disseminate innovations in education through serving a diverse K-12 community. P.K. Yonge students are positioned to be creative, dedicated, and resilient learners who embrace the power of diverse ideas, talents, and cultures to improve our world.